Networth: 18 Billion
Country: Russia
Industry: Metals & Mining
Alexey Mordashov is the majority shareholder in steel company Severstal, which he ran as CEO for 19 years before resigning in 2015. Hit by sanctions in 2022, he immediately transferred ownership of key assets, including shares of leisure company TUI and mining outfit Nordgold.Severstal sold off two U.S. steel plants in 2014, withdrawing from the market at a time of rising tensions between Russia and the West, and turned its focus to its domestic business.The son of mill workers, Mordashov rose to become the finance director of a steel mill. When the plant's elderly director instructed him to acquire shares to keep them from an outsider, Mordashov kept most of them for himself.
Ticker: LNTA-RU
Shares: 384,151,000
Ticker: RTKM-RU
Shares: 96,545,000
Ticker: CHMF-RU
Shares: 645,294,684
Ticker: TUI1-DE
Shares: 551,790,900